The following response has been sent to WBC regarding the above planning application:
The Parish Council are not opposed in general terms to the Application.
In view of the proposed residential development on land previously in the same ownership at New House Farm Hatton Lane Hatton, the Parish Council request the Borough Council to impose certain conditions to any permission granted. It will be appreciated that acting on behalf of the majority of Hatton residents the Parish Council together with Warrington Borough Council unsuccessfully opposed the demolition of the existing farm buildings to create a site for 31 new dwellings which was granted on Appeal. The reason residents opposed this was because of the schemes impact on the Green Belt, the lack of transport facilities and the scale of the development. In order to be consistent with the general principle of objection by residents to that development the Parish Council requests that the following type of conditions are imposed:
- That the proposed Agricultural building shall only be used for the purposes of storing produce and farm machinery etc. directly related to the residual farmland at New House Farm so that it does not become used for general storage possibly from users outside Hatton.
- That at no time in the future will it be permitted to remove the Agricultural Unit so that further residential development can take place.