Response to Hynet re the proposed Hydrogen pipeline through Hatton

For information, the following is a copy of the email sent to Hynet by the Parish Council:

This is the response of Hatton Parish Council to your Consultation on the proposed hydrogen pipeline which passes through Hatton Village.

Note: We have taken the opportunity of consulting most Hatton residents prior to submitting this response.

In general terms we have no objection to the principle of the proposed pipeline however we should be pleased if you would take note of the following points:

  1. With regard to any Environmental Statement, we are content to let the appropriate officers at Warrington Borough Council provide their expert local input however should you need or wish to consult us directly on any issue specific to Hatton please contact one of the undersigned.
  2. We are concerned that any construction work may have an impact on statutory or other utilities which serve properties in Hatton. In the past the Village has suffered power cuts on a regular basis bearing in mind there are overhead power lines. Also, there are a number of water courses in the area of the Village which if interfered with can cause flooding. In particular there is a water course which serves the village centre and then runs alongside Warrington Rd. to the “water splash” on Park Rd. Walton. This has caused particular problems in the past if it has become blocked in any way.
  3. With regard to any future works which affect the main access routes in the village we would be grateful for reasonable advance notice so that we can notify residents. You will find that we are a good channel of communication with residents.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email.

Kind regards,

Julian Wrigley  07581 549003

Robin Brocklehurst 07736 561836

Phil Young  07940 522520

Hatton Parish Councillors